Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 106-110

I’m so excited that I made it to my first taper week. Surprisingly, I’m not as tired or burnt out from running as I expected to be. While training for my first half marathon I got so bored of running the same types of runs over and over. I longed for an iFit treadmill workout with random inclines and intervals. However, those runs didn’t meet my distance requirements in my training plan at the time.…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 71

In the Strength and Intervals cycle of my training program I alternate each Monday between a tempo run and intervals. Last week I was recovering from my half marathon so I did not run a tempo run. Rather, the race counted as a tempo run because of how I ran that race. However, today I was back on track and that meant interval training. Interval training on the treadmill It’s best if you can run…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 38

I needed a reprieve from the cold mornings so I set up my short, three mile conversational pace run for the treadmill. To make it more interesting I mapped out three miles from my upcoming half marathon tune-up race in Laughlin, Nevada. iFit Google mapping feature One of the features I love about my treadmill is the ability to map out runs. Since my treadmill inclines and declines with the terrain, I can get a…

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