Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 113-118

Arrived at week 2 of my marathon taper phase feeling rested. Given that this week was pretty much all treadmill running, I’ll just offer a quick weekly recap of my running distances. All of my runs are at conversational pace this week and my goal is to keep my heart rate in my zone 2. Thursday’s are still run at marathon pace but the mileage is cut back significantly this week. Day 113 My right…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 106-110

I’m so excited that I made it to my first taper week. Surprisingly, I’m not as tired or burnt out from running as I expected to be. While training for my first half marathon I got so bored of running the same types of runs over and over. I longed for an iFit treadmill workout with random inclines and intervals. However, those runs didn’t meet my distance requirements in my training plan at the time.…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 101-103

Triple digits plus one! Also, day one of my carb load test. My second 20 mile run is coming up in three days on next Saturday, so I decided to test out a formal carb load nutrition plan. I’ve always been of the mind that a carb load really isn’t necessary, especially for a vegan runner. I get so many carbs in my normal food. However, I also get fiber because the foods I eat…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 84-89

It’s the last week of 2022 and week 13 of marathon training. Only 5 more weeks of training to go! The week started off with Christmas and no running or workout. However, I was back to training on Monday, the 26th (day 85 of training). Day 85 Since I had the day off on Monday I attempted the full 800 meter interval workout on the treadmill. I allowed myself some extra time to sleep in…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 82

Friday is normally my rest day but with Christmas on Sunday this year I needed to move my schedule around to fit in my training. I moved cross training on the spin bike and runner’s strength up to Friday, so I could relax and enjoy the holiday with family on Sunday. Depending on how I feel during tomorrow’s long run, I may decide to keep this schedule for the duration of my training. As the…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 56

After yesterday’s 15 mile long run I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel for today’s spin bike cross training and runner’s strength workout. I was looking forward to moving my legs in a different direction than running though. Although I did not have any muscle soreness from the prior day’s run, my legs felt fatigued. I decided to do what I could and see how far I could get in the workout. Cross…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 35 & 36

My Sunday training days have been a bit off kilter lately. I’ve been waking up later on Sunday and getting a later start to my strength workout and cross training. To add to that, today was the switch to Daylight Savings time. It felt later than the clock read but I still wanted that extra sleep. Cross training through Argentina My legs were still heavy from Saturday’s 12 mile long run. My recovery went well…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 29

I’m starting to notice a Monday morning trend. I nearly always feel sluggish when I start out on Monday mornings and it takes me a while to get my energy going while on the run. Today was one of those days. It was Halloween also but no costume or dressing up for me on my run. However, it’s fun to check out all of the decorations that are still lit from overnight. Monday’s are now…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 28

I felt as if my Saturday 11 mile long run caught up with me this morning. I was able to get a full 8 hours of sleep overnight but my overall energy level was low on Sunday. I found myself in negotiation between my brain and my body during the entire workout today. Cross training on spin bike Sunday’s are cross-training on the spin bike and my runner’s strength workout. The bike ride went fine…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 22

Day one of week four means I’ve moved into a new cycle in my training plan. I’ve entered the first part of the strength phase (Phase 2) and have added a second quality workout to my week. Oh, those hills! Monday runs now incorporate hills followed by kettlebell strength work. The hill I run is about a half mile long and somewhat steep. I’m not sure about the exact grade but if I were to…

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