Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 16

Let’s talk about shoes. You had to know this was coming. You can’t have a blog about marathon training without a discussion about running shoes, or lots of discussions about running shoes! Personally, I’m fascinated by running shoes. I read articles about them. I watch YouTube reviews on shoes I’m interested in or just curious about or that I already own. I stop at the running store weekly to check out the clearance rack. Usually,…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 1

Today’s training day almost didn’t happen. Did you know it’s possible to injure yourself with a foam roller? I didn’t. One week till marathon training Apparently, there’s a fairly prominent nerve that runs all throughout your lower body; weaving in and out of muscle groups. Turns out, with the right amount of pressure, time and placement it’s possible to really tick off this nerve which tends to connect to other nerves further away from the…

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