Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 64-67

Traveling last week and over the weekend really put me behind in my personal pursuits, especially writing for this blog. It took everything I had just to get my runs in and get to work. I also had to feed myself and try to get my nutrition back on track after my traveling munchies. Returning to healthy eating is so hard after throwing caution to the wind and eating anything I felt like. Monday, Day…

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Marathon Training

Half Marathon Tune-up Race: Marathon Training Day 62

Race Day! First and foremost, we made it to the race on time despite the one hour time difference. I’d gotten a great night’s sleep and woke up ready to run after two full days of sitting; first in the car on the way over and the day before just lounging around. Pre race prep Thankfully, we’d learned the day before that the travel trailer does not like my little travel toaster. I set off…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 60 and 61

Technically, these two days are rest days before the Run Laughlin Half Marathon on Saturday. However, travel days are so fun, I just had to share. Leaving Southern California We got on the road with the travel trailer about an hour later than planned after grabbing some necessary coffee for the road. We had some excitement on the 215 freeway when the Lamborghini and Ferrari clubs decided to hit the road with the rest of…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 58 & 59

I’m not real sure what I was thinking when I suggested we take my sister’s travel trailer to Nevada from California so I could participate in the Run Laughlin Half Marathon. A hotel would have been a lot easier. I not only need to make sure that I have all of my running gear and pre and post nutrition for the race but I also need to prep all of my other meals and snacks.…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 57

Very rarely do I need more than one day of recovery after a long run. However, the 15 mile run two days ago with over 800 ft of overall elevation gain took a lot out of me and my legs. My Monday training schedule called for two, ½ mile hill repeats with a one mile warm up and one mile cool down, followed by kettlebell strength. However, I needed to pivot my training plan today…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 55

It was a pivotal day today in my marathon training program. First, it was my longest training run to date at 15 miles. Second, it was the last long run of the first half of my training plan. Third, since I’m at the halfway point, then my half marathon race is next weekend during my cut back week. So, it was a pretty awesome day, to say the least. Unchartered distances I ran in my…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 51 & 52

These two midweek runs were rather uneventful. Some days running is just running. It always feels great once I get out there and I’m done like all types of exercise. However, midweek runs are where the work happens. They aren’t glamorous or have beautiful scenery or fun routes. They are miles on my feet, air in my lungs and endurance building workouts. They are the bread and vegan butter to any marathon training plan. Midweek…

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