Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 35 & 36

My Sunday training days have been a bit off kilter lately. I’ve been waking up later on Sunday and getting a later start to my strength workout and cross training. To add to that, today was the switch to Daylight Savings time. It felt later than the clock read but I still wanted that extra sleep. Cross training through Argentina My legs were still heavy from Saturday’s 12 mile long run. My recovery went well…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 29

I’m starting to notice a Monday morning trend. I nearly always feel sluggish when I start out on Monday mornings and it takes me a while to get my energy going while on the run. Today was one of those days. It was Halloween also but no costume or dressing up for me on my run. However, it’s fun to check out all of the decorations that are still lit from overnight. Monday’s are now…

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