Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 104

It’s been two weeks since my first 20 mile training run. I had my cut back week, so now it’s time to do it again! In order to have a direct comparison, I ran the same course that I did last time. So, that meant another Coaster run! Only, this time my hydration bladder wasn’t leaking and I knew what side of the platform to catch the train from. Therefore, my anxiety was more controlled…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 101-103

Triple digits plus one! Also, day one of my carb load test. My second 20 mile run is coming up in three days on next Saturday, so I decided to test out a formal carb load nutrition plan. I’ve always been of the mind that a carb load really isn’t necessary, especially for a vegan runner. I get so many carbs in my normal food. However, I also get fiber because the foods I eat…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 90

Today I went on an incredible running adventure to close out 2022. My first 20 mile long run happened to fall on New Year’s Eve and I wanted to do something special to commemorate how far I’ve come in my training and keep myself engaged over 20 miles. My solution was the “Coaster Run”.  The Coaster run The Coaster is a commuter train that runs along the San Diego county coast line. It passes through…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 76-77

This is the distance that I have feared since before I even started training for this marathon. Today was the 18 miler! It’s not even the longest training run that I will do in this plan but it was the number that intimidated me the most. In my fuzzy logical mind 16 miles isn’t too bad because that’s just 3 miles more than a half marathon and 20 miles isn’t bad if I can finish…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 34

Today’s long run encompassed 12 beautiful miles that held a lot of variety. I took a lot of time planning and preparing for today’s run from deciding how to dress to researching non-gel fueling options. Dressing in layers It was 45 degrees when I started my ½ mile warm up walk to the starting point of my run. I was immediately grateful to myself for taking the couple of extra minutes to go back into…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 25

It was another tough morning today but for completely different reasons. My hip flexor was still tight but greatly improved. I focused a lot of time the day before on foam rolling, deep stretching, using the heating pad and applying KT Tape to the area. By the time I woke up this morning it felt like a slightly overworked muscle but my mobility had mostly returned to normal. What made it such a rough morning…

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