Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 73-74

Quick marathon training update today. The Christmas holiday is getting closer and closer and I’m 100% NOT prepared. It is taking everything I have to get my normal routine in while preparing for the holidays.

Day 73 training run

Temperatures got down to 38 degrees this morning. I simply don’t own enough cold weather running clothes to run outside in the cold everyday without doing laundry every night. So, I ran today’s 5 easy miles on the treadmill. My training plan also called for running strides but I got a late start and didn’t have time for them. I kept my pace easy but I always find running on the treadmill more exerting than running on roads.

I’m enjoying the audiobook I’m listening to on my mid-week runs. I’m listening to David Goggins’ second book titled, “Never Finished”. I highly recommend the audiobook version of this book because the narrator and the author carry out a podcast style discussion in between the chapters. The author, David Goggins, gives deeper insight into the chapter that was just read which expands on the words in the story that was just told. I think all autobiographies should be recorded in this way. I really love the format. It’s so engaging. Not to mention, his story and perspective is incredible to listen to.

Day 74 training run

Early morning meeting meant that my run got pushed to the evening after work. I didn’t start my run until 5 P.M. and it was already dark. I think it’s funny that it really doesn’t matter if I run at 5 in the morning or 5 at night. It’s dark either way.

Thursday’s are faster runs at my marathon goal pace. I was well fueled from the day’s food intake so I only ate a banana before my 8 mile run. My right hamstring is still tight and it was “talking” to me on tonight’s run. I’m also still getting used to my Good Feet Store insoles. I’ve worn them in my shoes during the last couple of runs including tonight. It’s going to take a while to work them in and get used to them.

My energy was good and my pace averaged right at goal pace when I was finished, with a cadence average of 180 steps. My heart rate was right in the correct zone for a threshold run and I didn’t need to give a lot of effort to stay consistent in my pacing. I took in a gel at mile 4, as I usually do just to keep my gut used to gels.

The one nice thing about running in the evening around this time of year is all of the holiday decorations and lights. Running my normal route in the neighborhood took on a whole new look in the evening when everyone turns on their decorations and holiday displays. Most people will turn them off overnight, so I don’t see them when I run in the early mornings.


Day 73

  • 5 miles at conversational pace on treadmill

Day 74

  • 8 miles at marathon goal pace