Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 35 & 36

My Sunday training days have been a bit off kilter lately. I’ve been waking up later on Sunday and getting a later start to my strength workout and cross training. To add to that, today was the switch to Daylight Savings time. It felt later than the clock read but I still wanted that extra sleep.

Cross training through Argentina

My legs were still heavy from Saturday’s 12 mile long run. My recovery went well the day before and I did not wake up with any soreness or stiffness. The bike was a welcome change. It felt good to move my legs in a different manner than running. The iFit ride today was a tempo ride through Puerto Lopez in Argentina for about 30 minutes. I also walked the dog before I started my workout, so that also helped to get the legs and body moving again.

I kept the ride fairly easy and did not choose to push too hard. I was using the spin ride as a recovery tool, as well as cross training during this ride.

Back-to-back strength

If given a better choice I would separate my strength days more throughout the week. However, it just works out in my schedule this way, so I do the best I can. Sometimes, that’s the best you can do and you work with it.

My runner’s strength program and MOBO board work takes a good amount of time to complete; roughly 45 minutes to an hour. So, the only day of the week that program fits is on the weekend. Then, Monday’s are a short run, so I added my kettlebell work to follow the run. If I can get out of the house early enough on Monday’s then I can get more strength work in. However, if I start late then my strength work gets cut short.

This week I was successful in getting out of the house early enough that I was able to get in a complete kettlebell strength workout of about 30 minutes. I really focused on form and depth this week. Although I don’t use kettlebells for my renegade rows, I am really happy with my progress with that move. I’m able to do 10 reps now without taking a break and they don’t take as long for me to go through the exercise as when I first started. This is one of those moves that I dread as I see it come up on the docket on my strength outline, so it’s really encouraging to see improvement.

Monday’s are for hills

I’m still in my hill running phase of my training plan and today was just one hill. I keep hoping that hill running will grow on me but alas, not yet. I get that same “ugh” feeling as I get to the bottom of the hill and cross the street to start my way up. A half mile hill feels really, really long. I wish I knew what the actual pitch of the hill is that I run. It sure feels steep when I’m running it. I can tell you that!

The temperature was 57 degrees and cloudy at 6:15 A.M. It was nice to run in the daytime for a change. Since the time changed, I only need my Noxgear light vest and can leave the headlamp at home. I wore a long sleeve top and long leggings and I was a comfortable temperature after I got moving.

My pace on the hill balanced out to a respectable time. Between the down hill and the up hill portions my overall time was about 30 seconds slower than my two flat miles on either side of the hill. I am definitely looking forward to getting through my hilly half marathon tune up race and moving past hill work in my training plan.


Day 35

  • 30 minutes cross training on spin bike
  • 50 minutes runner’s strength program

Day 36

  • 3 mile run with one ½ mile hill run
  • 30 minutes kettlebell strength program

Week 5 recap

  • 30 miles run
  • 2 strength workouts
  • 1 cross training workout on spin bike