Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 9

Short on time today, so I’m just posting a quick recap of today’s run. This morning’s run was a 5 mile conversational pace run with a 5 minute warm up and 3 minute cool down.

Pre-run preparation included a lot of activation exercises for my glutes to get them firing and supporting my low back. I also broke out the nubby foam roller and focused on my hips and glutes.

I managed to keep my heart rate in my aerobic zone for the main work and my cadence was in my normal range at 176. Pace was on target and even a tad bit slower which was perfectly fine.

Although I did not experience any pain during my run, my low back over the “nubs” was really tight after I finished running. I think all of the foam rolling and activation work I did prior to the run really helped my hips. I didn’t have any tightness or pain in the hip area during or after the run.


  • 5 miles at conversational pace