Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 82

Friday is normally my rest day but with Christmas on Sunday this year I needed to move my schedule around to fit in my training. I moved cross training on the spin bike and runner’s strength up to Friday, so I could relax and enjoy the holiday with family on Sunday. Depending on how I feel during tomorrow’s long run, I may decide to keep this schedule for the duration of my training. As the long run miles get longer it’s nice to have a complete rest day after the long run.

Cross training workouts

I rode the spin bike for 28 minutes using an iFit bike ride to Jenny Lake, Wyoming. It was a speed play workout so lots of high cadence spinning.

Following my bike ride I did my Runner’s Strength workout v2. I skipped the balance ball core work but I still worked for 54 minutes. Since I know I’m running 13 miles tomorrow morning, I tried not to push this workout too hard. I aimed just to get to the burn and then back off. I don’t need sore muscles before I even start my run.


  • Cross training on spin bike – 28 minutes
  • Runner’s Strength v2 – 54 minutes