Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 7

Today’s workout, cross training on my spin bike and customized runner’s strength program that I developed from various resources.

I love iFit

I’m a huge iFit fan. If you’re unfamiliar with iFit, it’s an interactive training platform used by ProForm and NordicTrack exercise equipment such as treadmills, exercise bikes, rowers and ellipticals, among other types of equipment. It’s an interactive training platform with a real person, often on location in exotic locales taking you through various workouts while your machine automatically adjusts to the programmed workout.

I personally have a Nordictrack Commercial 1750 treadmill and a ProForm spin bike. When I workout on my treadmill it will adjust the incline, decline and speed to match the trainer in the video. If I had a bike with more bells and whistles it would also incline and decline to match the trainer but in my case it simply adjusts the resistance.

I purchased the bike in December 2021 on clearance from Dick’s Sporting Goods while I was recovering from a knee injury that kept me from running. The pedaling movement did not bother my knee and it allowed me to maintain much of my aerobic base while I worked through physical therapy for my knee. It was during this time that I learned the value and benefit of true cross training, and the difference between cross training and strength training. Since that time it’s become a staple workout during my week and I will keep it up throughout my marathon training plan.

Specialty workout

iFit launched a very fun and different bike ride recently to coincide with the upcoming Halloween holiday called ‘Trail of the Dead’ starring Ashley Paulson, iFit trainer, professional triathlete and 2022 Badwater 135 winner (among many other accolades). It was filmed like a video game or movie where the rider was a character and she weaved a story of the zombie apocalypse working its way across the country. Our goal of the ride was to avoid zombies as we made our way through the mountainside on our bikes toward the extraction point and safety where we would reunite with her family. All along the way she talked about where she was when it all started, how she got separated from her family and what to expect from the zombies along the trail.

I have to say that was probably one of the fastest half hour bike rides I’ve ever done. It was such a fun way to warm up and cross train. Although I spin every week, it is not my favorite form of exercise. I would rather run or strength train. However, as I mentioned earlier, I learned the benefits that cross training on a bike provides to my body. As long as I have iFit to entertain me, I can handle 30-60 minutes on the bike each week.

Runner’s Strength Workout

Following the bike ride I worked my way into the living room for a runner’s strength program that I developed from various sources including YouTube, Running Rewired book by Jay Dicharry and my MOBO Board (also developed by Jay Dicharry).

When it comes to strength training there are so many effective exercises you can do. I strongly recommend picking up Running Rewired and a MOBO board especially if you are not currently strength training. Even if you already incorporate strength exercises into your weekly routine you may want to investigate whether you want to change up the exercises you are doing. I find that my needs change over time.

While I was injured I used particular exercises in the book and on the MOBO board website to target the muscles that my physical therapist identified as weak. For me, it was my gluteus medius, hamstrings and abductors. Therefore, I did not focus much on quadriceps or gluteus maximus. Now, my training has shifted and I’ve gone back to incorporating some exercises into my routine as I’ve strengthened some muscle groups and others show signs of needing bolstering. It’s always important to change up your routine over time depending on your current needs and training focus.

Tomorrow, I’m back to running with a bit more of power building through kettlebell work.


  • 30 minutes cross training on spin bike
  • 45 minutes runner’s strength workout