Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 42

Eating was not on plan last night and it carried over to Sunday’s cross training. My sister came over on Saturday evening and we both had our own takeout meals. Let’s just say that I did not make good choices when it came to nutrition. I went for walnut shrimp (vegan) over brown rice with Veganaise. I’ve eaten this many times before without a problem. However, I’ve been eating much cleaner for many months now and oils, especially fried foods, just seem to sit in my stomach like bricks.

I woke up Sunday morning feeling like I’d just finished the meal that I’d actually finished the night before. I knew I needed some real food to start the digestion process so I ate some almonds and beets as my pre-workout snack. I think it helped a little. I also immediately started hydrating with water to help flush my system of all the excess sodium that was heavily bloating me. 

Cross training and runner’s strength

I rode my second to last bike ride through Patagonia, Argentina today with iFit. It was an endurance ride with a lot of hills. It was enough to get the heart rate up without burning me out.

Then, I moved into the living room for my runner’s strength workout.

I’ve developed two runner’s strength programs that I will occasionally bounce between to keep my muscles guessing. I’d planned to bounce back to my original program today but decided at the last minute to stick with my heavy band work in my alternate program. I feel like this program lacks core work so I incorporated the stability ball and six other core exercises into the program as an optional block of work.

I originally develped this program to be my alternate runner’s strength workout on days that I am pressed for time but it’s turned into an hour long workout on its own.

Nutrition? What nutrition?

I did not get back on track with my nutrition for the remainder of the day. I did, however, stick to drinking lots of water all day long. That is about as far as my positive nutrition actions extended for the day. On a high note, I prepped my meals for Monday, so it is back on track for the start of the week. I will need to remind myself to revisit this blog post the next time I’m tempted to order vegan walnut shrimp. I cannot say that it has been worth it.


  • 36 minutes cross training on spin bike
  • 1 hour runner’s strength program with MOBO board

Week 6 recap – cut back mileage week

  • 26 miles run
  • 2 strength workouts
  • 1 cross training workout on spin bike