Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 3

If you are reading these blog posts in order then you may recall from yesterday’s post that my alarm is set for 3:45 AM on mornings that I workout or run.

This morning was no exception, except that I never heard my alarm. My phone is connected to my watch and both will alert me at the same time when my alarm goes off. However, today the natural daylight woke me up which was really disorienting since I don’t usually see daylight until I get home from my run, and here I was not even out of bed yet.

On the bright side, I got nearly 9 ½ hours of sleep! Wholly Moley, I can’t think of the last time I slept that long.

Today’s run was supposed to be an easy three miles at conversational pace. I’m sure it would have been very nice. Temperature was supposed to be mid-60’s but alas, no time to run when I needed to get to the office. I find rest days to be really hard. My energy is low, my brain gets a little foggy and I’m stiff. I did some very light foam rolling to wake up my back and circulation but could not shake my headache all day.

I’m still experiencing some lingering numbness sensations in my lower leg and low back tightness so I set a last minute appointment with the acupuncturist in the afternoon. Again, she worked her magic. By the time I left the appointment my headache that had plagued me all day, was completely gone.

Tomorrow is another training day. It will be my first time attempting my desired marathon goal pace for the length of the entire training run mileage. See you on day 4!


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