Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 21

This Sunday started with a little extra sleep. Always nice when I’m able to recoup a few Z’s on the weekend. I realize it’s better to have consistent rest throughout the week but there are only so many hours in a day. If I could find my way to bed any earlier or out of it any later, I certainly would. In the meantime, I’ll take what I can get on the weekends.

Waking up later meant I was hungry for a full breakfast, so I decided to eat a regular meal instead of a snack before my workout. The dog appreciated this since it meant he got his walk in first before my workout, so that I would have time to digest my food.

Sunday training

Sunday’s are cross training and runner’s strength. I did a half hour spin bike ride with iFit on my bike through Patagonia, Argentina. Then, I moved into the living room for my strength workout.

Runner’s Strength Workout additions

I added two additional heavy band exercises for my hamstrings and hip flexors using a door anchor. I’m not sure if my hamstrings are weak or the band was too heavy but I could barely move the band a few inches during the prone hamstring curl. I supposed it may be a combination of both. This seems to be the area of my body asking for more TLC these days, so I’m focused on providing that care.

Single Leg Bridge with Hip Drop

My program also contains an exercise called the single leg bridge with hip drop, where I start in a single leg bridge and then twist my hip with the raised leg down toward the floor and back up. All of this is performed while keeping the glutes pulled up in bridge position. The exercise is meant to strengthen the hamstrings and core rotation. I find that my supporting hamstring tends to cramp up while performing the move and I need to take a brief rest before finishing the reps. So, I think that may be an indication of weakness in the area. I’ll continue to monitor my progress and see if I’m able to perform more reps each week before needing a rest or cramping.

Banded Hip Felxion

The hip flexor band exercise I added was more encouraging. I attached the heavy band low on the door and stood facing away from the door so that there was slight tension on the band. Then, I looped the band around one ankle, put my weight into the unbanded foot and slowly “kicked” the banded foot out ahead of me for several repetitions. All while keeping the foot low to the ground and tension on it from the band. The exercise gave me a good burn in just the right places. Those hip flexors are another problem area for me.

Following the band work I did two rounds of MOBO board exercises focused on knee strength. All together, my strength workout was a little less than an hour. In between, I grabbed a HUMA Cafe Mocha gel for a boost of energy during the workout. Yummy stuff and it got me through.


  • 30 minutes on spin bike
  • 55 minutes Runner’s Strength program with MOBO Board