Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 15

The dang pinch in my lower back shifted sides. It is always on my right side and today it was in the same spot but on my left. However, it wasn’t to the degree of pain or annoyance to stop my run. Rather, it just made for a longer dynamic warm up and muscle activation.

I’m carefully moving back to using my foam roller. I have learned my lesson (I hope) not to sit on any one spot very long but to keep the roller moving to wake up the circulation and muscles. I do believe it’s helping because I find that I do not need as much warming up with walking or light jogging once I get outside.

Today is Monday, so after my three mile conversational pace run I changed my shoes and set up for a quick kettlebell workout. Unfortunately, the pinch in my back returned after the run so I cut the kettlebell workout short after one round and refocused on relaxing the pinch. It didn’t really work. However, I’ve taken to bringing my heating pad with me to the office. After a few sessions of heat throughout the day the pinch finally subsided. I will try to get into the chiropractor or acupuncturist on Wednesday if it’s still aggravated.

My run was uneventful but it sure is staying dark much longer these days. Today’s sunrise was not until nearly 7 A.M., so my entire run was in the dark. Oddly, I saw more runners this morning than I normally do. Typically, I see many more walkers or people walking their dogs but today was different. It was just an observation I noticed.


  • 3 miles at conversation pace
  • Kettlebell strength – 1 round of 6 exercises of 10-12 reps each