Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 14

Short day today since I’m going out to breakfast at my favorite brunch restaurant, The Naked Cafe with my husband. Two restaurant meals in two days is more than I usually have but this was a planned celebration. It’s important to remember that people and relationships matter as much as training.

I got in a 40 minute spin bike ride before we went out and I’m so glad I did. There was no time for my typical runner’s strength workout today so I am shifting that to later in the week.

Breakfast was awesome! I ordered my usual; two Fuzzy Monkey Pancakes (vegan buckwheat batter with bananas, almonds, raisins and granola) with organic maple syrup (check out the Home page of this website for a picture). I also ordered my favorite coffee called the Blue Planet Late. It’s made with espresso, Butterfly Pea flower, spirulina, maca, cinnamon, honey and steamed organic almond milk. For vegans that do not eat honey, it can easily be left out.

Unfortunately, I think I overdid it with two restaurant meals in a row or just too much at brunch. I didn’t eat again until 5:30 P.M. and even then I just had a very light dinner. Well, at least I think I finally got the eating out fixation out of my system for a while. I’ll be back on track with proper nutrition tomorrow.


  • 40 minute cross training on spin bike