Long run number two for a distance of 9 miles and it was glorious! Everything just lined up in the stars and planets today. I loved today’s run. I was truly a little bummed when I saw it was the halfway point and time to turn around. My run was going so smoothly that I almost missed my turnaround. I just happened to look down at my watch to check my pace and I noticed the distance was exactly 4.5 miles.
It’s amazing how each run from day to day and week to week can be so different. Last week’s run was nice but not effortless like today’s. Gosh, I really hope I get these kinds of days as my mileage reaches the 16, 18 and 20 mile distances!
Fueling practice on long runs
I use my long runs to practice fueling strategies and products. When I first decided I wanted to start running longer distances I thought I wanted to use real food as fuel. I diced up sweet potatoes and dates in small pieces and brought them along in a plastic baggie. I quickly learned that it is very hard to breathe and chew at the same time. Apparently, I’m no Dean Karnazes. I won’t be eating a large pizza and drinking a coffee while running a marathon anytime soon.
Solid food was not going to work for me. However, I do not like the artificial ingredients and chemicals in most gel products. As I researched, I came across Huma brand gels. Their gels are made with chia seeds, fruit and sometimes cane sugar. The list of ingredients is short and I can easily pronounce and spell each word. I’d found a winner!
My favorite Huma flavors are Cafe Mocha, Chocolate (tastes like cake icing) and raspberry. They have different types of gels with and without caffeine and others with electrolytes. I stick mainly to the basic gels with and without caffeine.
Recently, I’ve been hearing about another gel by Maurten. The ingredients are not as natural as Huma but I’d heard that they were easy on the stomach and flavorless. This can be really helpful in a long race when you get to the point of hating certain flavors but needing to fuel at the same time. I grabbed a couple of these gels at the local running store when I was there last and had a chance to try one on today’s run.
I used the Gel 100 and truly it was practically flavorless. Now, the texture was another thing. The texture was like a glob of stiff jelly. It broke down in my mouth but I prefer the more liquid texture of Huma. The important part though was the end result which was a fantastic run, no GI issues and great energy. I will definitely use Maurten gels again. I will likely mix Huma and Maurten as my runs get longer.

Post run fuel
I love post run snacks and I’m always on the lookout for a good snack bar with protein to get my recovery started. I’m less concerned with the bar containing carbs because I could always add a piece of fruit to my snack if I need to replenish some carbs, too.
While at Sprouts, a local health food grocery chain store, I found a bar by Nelly’s Organics. I purchased the Peanut Butter (with Quinoa) flavor and it was amazing! It was covered in dark chocolate and the texture was decadent. If you’re looking to try one, it was in the refrigerated section.
Post run meal
The snack bar held me over pretty well so that I could get home, showered and settled in. However, once my hunger kicked in again it was fierce! I typically stick to a fairly regimented diet but if I don’t have meal ingredients prepped already then it’s easy to head for the takeout. Saturday long run days are ideal for takeout food. I’m hungry, they’re quick, I don’t have to do anything but pick it up and it’s really flavorful and tempting.
So, I gave in and went for the takeout (vegan of course). I ended up with a mashed potato bowl with vegan chick’n, roasted corn, vegan cheese and gravy from Native Foods. It really hit the spot! However, I’m making better choices next weekend. This has happened to me two Saturdays in a row and it really starts to add up on my body. Next week I’ll be better prepared with a meal when I get home rather than an empty fridge and growling stomach.
- 9 miles at conversational pace (long run)