Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 10

Quick update again today and for the next couple of days. As much as I love running and blogging, it’s not my primary gig. Busy office days are a part of life but I know I’m not alone. Somehow I doubt my readership is of the pro or elite level where all you do is run, workout, eat and sleep. So, I’m going to go on the safe assumption that you understand and empathize with a woman’s busy schedule.

Mid-week run

Nice easy, three mile run after a thorough dynamic warm up. I’m really starting to be more in tune with my breathing and heart rate. Focusing on keeping my running easy on my easy days has taught me what that should feel like and I can usually tell when I’m starting to move out of the aerobic zone.

My pace was slightly faster than yesterday but still within my easy pace range. My heart rate and cadence were right on point for an easy effort.

Following my run I got a good stretch for my hips. I threw in a long Pigeon pose stretch and realized that I must remember to do this stretch more often. It felt so good. I think if I can remember to do it more often it may really help my back and hips open up.


  • 3 miles at conversational pace