
Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 56

After yesterday’s 15 mile long run I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel for today’s spin bike cross training and runner’s strength workout. I was looking forward to moving my legs in a different direction than running though. Although I did not have any muscle soreness from the prior day’s run, my legs felt fatigued. I decided to do what I could and see how far I could get in the workout. Cross…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 55

It was a pivotal day today in my marathon training program. First, it was my longest training run to date at 15 miles. Second, it was the last long run of the first half of my training plan. Third, since I’m at the halfway point, then my half marathon race is next weekend during my cut back week. So, it was a pretty awesome day, to say the least. Unchartered distances I ran in my…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 51 & 52

These two midweek runs were rather uneventful. Some days running is just running. It always feels great once I get out there and I’m done like all types of exercise. However, midweek runs are where the work happens. They aren’t glamorous or have beautiful scenery or fun routes. They are miles on my feet, air in my lungs and endurance building workouts. They are the bread and vegan butter to any marathon training plan. Midweek…

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Rest Day Recipes

Rest Day Recipe: Protein Boost Peppermint Mocha Chicory Root Tea

There’s nothing like a nice warm beverage on a chilly winter night but who says it needs to be full of sugar and cream to be inviting and satisfying? This is one of my favorite drinks when I’m looking for an after dinner dessert or coffee substitute in the evening. It’s caffeine and sugar free but sweet tooth satisfaction all the way. The protein powder adds to the creamy texture and combined with the fiber…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 43

Double hill day! Mileage has bumped up to 4 miles on shorter days so that means repeating the ½ mile hill twice. Monday’s are also kettlebell strength days but I did not make it back to the house in time to get that part done. I’d hoped to have time in the evening after work but no such luck. I knew that was a longshot anyway. That’s why I workout in the mornings. If I…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 42

Eating was not on plan last night and it carried over to Sunday’s cross training. My sister came over on Saturday evening and we both had our own takeout meals. Let’s just say that I did not make good choices when it came to nutrition. I went for walnut shrimp (vegan) over brown rice with Veganaise. I’ve eaten this many times before without a problem. However, I’ve been eating much cleaner for many months now…

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