
Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 99-100

This is the last week of my strength meso cycle in my training plan. This part of my plan did not go exactly as I had hoped or originally planned. I did not have time in the morning to complete my runs and kettlebell strength workouts, so the kettlebells got dropped from the plan. I did pick up a couple of kettlebell swings on my runner’s strength days when I had the extra time though.…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 92

Today was the first run of the new year. I ran in the afternoon instead of the early morning so I could watch the Tournament of Roses Parade. It’s a tradition of mine. I actually sit there on the couch with my breakfast and coffee and watch the entire two hours of the parade. I enjoy starting off the year in a relaxed state of mind and body. Starting the year off right I kicked…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 90

Today I went on an incredible running adventure to close out 2022. My first 20 mile long run happened to fall on New Year’s Eve and I wanted to do something special to commemorate how far I’ve come in my training and keep myself engaged over 20 miles. My solution was the “Coaster Run”.  The Coaster run The Coaster is a commuter train that runs along the San Diego county coast line. It passes through…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 84-89

It’s the last week of 2022 and week 13 of marathon training. Only 5 more weeks of training to go! The week started off with Christmas and no running or workout. However, I was back to training on Monday, the 26th (day 85 of training). Day 85 Since I had the day off on Monday I attempted the full 800 meter interval workout on the treadmill. I allowed myself some extra time to sleep in…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 83

Christmas Eve long run today! I ran today’s 13 mile long run at the undulating bikeway path, so I incorporated lots of incline into the run. It felt harder today than in past weeks which I think was due to my change in training schedule. Normally, I would have had a full rest day before my long run but instead, I moved my spin bike and runner’s strength workout to the day before my long…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 82

Friday is normally my rest day but with Christmas on Sunday this year I needed to move my schedule around to fit in my training. I moved cross training on the spin bike and runner’s strength up to Friday, so I could relax and enjoy the holiday with family on Sunday. Depending on how I feel during tomorrow’s long run, I may decide to keep this schedule for the duration of my training. As the…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 78-81

It’s Christmas week and I continue to train and panic about the holiday. I’ve figured out the Christmas meal which is no where near as much work to prepare as Thanksgiving. That’s one less stress. However, there’s still shopping to finish and that takes time. It has taken a lot of discipline to stay on track with my morning runs but I continue to be dedicated to this process. Day 78 I was so thankful…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 76-77

This is the distance that I have feared since before I even started training for this marathon. Today was the 18 miler! It’s not even the longest training run that I will do in this plan but it was the number that intimidated me the most. In my fuzzy logical mind 16 miles isn’t too bad because that’s just 3 miles more than a half marathon and 20 miles isn’t bad if I can finish…

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