Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 8

I made it through week one! Today was the first day of week number two of marathon training so it was back to a short, three mile conversational pace run and then home for a kettlebell strength workout.  Last week I overdid the reps on my kettlebell workout and it made the following day’s 5 mile run sluggish due to some DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Today, I kept it to 10-12 reps per exercise.…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 7

Today’s workout, cross training on my spin bike and customized runner’s strength program that I developed from various resources. I love iFit I’m a huge iFit fan. If you’re unfamiliar with iFit, it’s an interactive training platform used by ProForm and NordicTrack exercise equipment such as treadmills, exercise bikes, rowers and ellipticals, among other types of equipment. It’s an interactive training platform with a real person, often on location in exotic locales taking you through…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 6

On the plan today was my first long run of the training cycle. My plan starts with 8 miles as the first long run and will progress from there. Some marathon plans will build the long run for 4 weeks and then step back every 5th week in distance. However, I prefer to step back in mileage every third week. Therefore, my long run over the first three weeks will look like this: 8 miles,…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 5

Ahhhh, it’s my first official rest day! I’m not going to count day 3 of my training as a rest day. That was an accidental rest day when I missed my alarm. Today was official! Treadmill running A lot of people hate the treadmill but I’m one of those people that loves their treadmill. I purchased a Nordictrack Commercial 1750 treadmill in early 2021 and a week has not gone by that I haven’t used…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 3

If you are reading these blog posts in order then you may recall from yesterday’s post that my alarm is set for 3:45 AM on mornings that I workout or run. This morning was no exception, except that I never heard my alarm. My phone is connected to my watch and both will alert me at the same time when my alarm goes off. However, today the natural daylight woke me up which was really…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 1

Today’s training day almost didn’t happen. Did you know it’s possible to injure yourself with a foam roller? I didn’t. One week till marathon training Apparently, there’s a fairly prominent nerve that runs all throughout your lower body; weaving in and out of muscle groups. Turns out, with the right amount of pressure, time and placement it’s possible to really tick off this nerve which tends to connect to other nerves further away from the…

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