Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 18

I had an absolutely incredible run today! No pinching or pain in my back at all.It felt so good to just run and focus on my form and breathing instead of worrying about whether or not my back will seize up when I stop. Today’s run was a quick 5 miles at goal marathon pace. Although my pace was faster than my other weekly runs, it felt easy. This was a very encouraging run. My…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 16

Let’s talk about shoes. You had to know this was coming. You can’t have a blog about marathon training without a discussion about running shoes, or lots of discussions about running shoes! Personally, I’m fascinated by running shoes. I read articles about them. I watch YouTube reviews on shoes I’m interested in or just curious about or that I already own. I stop at the running store weekly to check out the clearance rack. Usually,…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 14

Short day today since I’m going out to breakfast at my favorite brunch restaurant, The Naked Cafe with my husband. Two restaurant meals in two days is more than I usually have but this was a planned celebration. It’s important to remember that people and relationships matter as much as training. I got in a 40 minute spin bike ride before we went out and I’m so glad I did. There was no time for…

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Rest Day Recipes

Rest Day Recipe: BBQ Tofu and Tempeh Salad

Here is a simple meal salad that can easily be meal prepped on the weekend and tossed together quickly during busy work nights or fully prepped and taken for lunch. It’s got a little kick to it from the sauce. I like Primal Kitchen products because they do not add sugar or unnecessary ingredients that I can’t pronounce. However, you can use whatever BBQ sauce you prefer. If you want to prep for the week…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 10

Quick update again today and for the next couple of days. As much as I love running and blogging, it’s not my primary gig. Busy office days are a part of life but I know I’m not alone. Somehow I doubt my readership is of the pro or elite level where all you do is run, workout, eat and sleep. So, I’m going to go on the safe assumption that you understand and empathize with…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 9

Short on time today, so I’m just posting a quick recap of today’s run. This morning’s run was a 5 mile conversational pace run with a 5 minute warm up and 3 minute cool down. Pre-run preparation included a lot of activation exercises for my glutes to get them firing and supporting my low back. I also broke out the nubby foam roller and focused on my hips and glutes. I managed to keep my…

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