Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 93

It was cold and wet outside this morning at 6:00 A.M. when I was ready to run so I took my run to the treadmill instead. My easy run max mileage on the treadmill tops out at about 6 miles. I have 5 easy miles on the schedule today and it was worth it not to have to run outside in dismal weather.

Treadmill entertainment

The treadmill doesn’t have to be grueling or boring. I livened up my run today by watching America’s Funniest Home Videos on my Kindle Fire while I ran. I was perfectly entertained the whole time. Only thing is that I need to be aware while I’m running and not tuneout to what I’m doing. Sometimes my feet would skip a beat because something on the screen caught me off guard and I started to laugh which apparently connects to my feet.

Wouldn’t that be just great. I’m watching AFV on my treadmill as I become a real life video clip worthy of airing on the show itself because I tripped while laughing at the show. Would that be considered serendipitous? Irony? It would be funny to everyone but me. That I can say for sure.

Easy does it

I kept my pace very easy today. It was my first recovery run since my 20 miler on Saturday and my hard, tempo run yesterday. I needed a running reset today. I did not push my pace on the treadmill or worry about the speed and I completely ignored the overall time. Rather, I just focused on enjoying my show and when 5 miles was up, I stopped.

My heart rate told the real story. My max heart rate never got up over my normal easy run average and my average was about 7 bpm lower than my normal easy pace run average. I feel like I really gave myself the opportunity to recover today and I enjoyed myself in the process.


  • 5 miles at easy, conversational pace on the treadmill