Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 83

Christmas Eve long run today! I ran today’s 13 mile long run at the undulating bikeway path, so I incorporated lots of incline into the run. It felt harder today than in past weeks which I think was due to my change in training schedule. Normally, I would have had a full rest day before my long run but instead, I moved my spin bike and runner’s strength workout to the day before my long run.

Long run recap

It was sunny but cold when I started my run. The temperature was 46 degrees and 99% humidity. Thankfully, I had my gloves this morning. The run started off well but around the middle of the run I experienced a painful side stitch that caused me to have to stop and step off to the side of the path. It happened twice on this run.

It didn’t help that I had to pee. There is always a Port-a-Potty just about two and half miles in but when I reached the street the Port-a-Potty was gone! It’s been there since I started running this path, even after the construction crews left months before. Wouldn’t you know that the one day I really needed it, it was gone? I found myself looking at bushes to size them up and determine whether or not they gave enough coverage but quickly dismissed the idea. The path is way too busy and the pathway runs along a wall that borders a populated neighborhood. I don’t think I’m that adventurous.

I soldiered on but it was not comfortable. My plan to rectify this in the future is to eliminate the preworkout drink I usually consume in the car on the way to my running spot. Since there are no bathrooms along the route it’s better to be safe than sorry. 

Christmas holiday

I finally got all of my Christmas holiday preparations done so I was able to enjoy my long run today (with the exception of what I’ve already mentioned). I got home around 11 A.M. and still had the rest of the day to spend it with my family. The shopping, wrapping and food preparations were all done and after my run there was nothing left to do but enjoy it.


  • 13 mile long run at conversational pace