Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 56

After yesterday’s 15 mile long run I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel for today’s spin bike cross training and runner’s strength workout. I was looking forward to moving my legs in a different direction than running though. Although I did not have any muscle soreness from the prior day’s run, my legs felt fatigued. I decided to do what I could and see how far I could get in the workout.

Cross training on spin bike

I finished the Patagonia bike series last week so I started a new series with a trainer I haven’t worked out with much before, Paulo Barreto. The new series takes place in Colorado which I thought would make for really beautiful scenery.

This is a beginner series so the rides are only about 20 minutes long. I combined two rides to get a little over 40 minutes of exercise on the bike. I just add or remove resistance to the bike which customizes any level workout to make it easier or harder based on how I feel that day. As I had hoped, it felt good to move my legs in a different way than running. I kept the resistance at a light to medium tension for the duration of the rides.

Runner’s strength

After the first round of my runner’s strength program I felt my blood sugar starting to take a dive. I was getting shaky and started to break into a cold sweat and it was not from the workout. I used one of my Muir cashew butter packets that I keep on hand for these workouts and hikes. They are too thick to use in place of gels while running but I find they are great for some quick energy during these longer, combo workout days.

I felt almost immediately better after the packet. However, I still didn’t have the highest energy levels so I eliminated the stability ball core work. I still managed to get in a 45 minute workout including my very important MOBO board stability work.

Recently, the inventor of the MOBO board was on one of favorite podcasts, Strength Running and he talked about mobility, stability and the MOBO board. Here’s a link to the podcast page if you’d like to take a listen. I’m planning to go back and listen to it a second time becasue there was so much technical information in it that I couldn’t catch it all the first time through.


  • 41 minutes cross training on spin bike
  • 46 minutes runner’s strength workout with MOBO board

Week 8 recap

  • 37 miles run
  • 2 strength workouts
  • 1 cross training on spin bike