Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 39

The cold morning air may have assisted me in accomplishing my pace goals on today’s 6 mile marathon goal pace run. Although I dreaded going out in the cold, at least it was not dark. I didn’t even wear my Noxgear light vest because it was already starting to look sunny. However, sun or not, 41 degrees is still cold in this SoCal girl’s mind.

Cold temp running gear

I realize that cold temperatures are relative to where a person lives. I was reading a post in one of the running groups I’m a member of on Facebook recently. The woman was also from Southern California and asked what she should wear for a race she’s doing soon and the weather was going to be in the 30’s. I was cracking up with disbelief at what some of these midwestern women especially, can tolerate! There were so many posts saying that it was still considered shorts and short sleeve t-shirt weather to them. Ugh! I would absolutely freeze!

On the opposite side of cold weather dressing spectrum is me. In my 41 degree temperatures I was wearing long tights, long sleeve base layer top under a short sleeve technical t-shirt and a long sleeve thermal lined pullover. I also wore my gloves for the first 4 miles. There wasn’t any wind and I was comfortable and not overheated the entire time. I really love when my layering works. I find dressing for cold temperatures so stressful because I don’t want to be too hot or too cold.

Marathon pace fueling and performance

I remembered to bring a Huma gel on my run, so I took that a mile 4 when I took off my gloves. I don’t think I particularly needed it but I’m trying to get my body used to taking in fuel before it needs it and strengthening my gut to withstand fuels. Maybe it helped more than I’m giving it credit for because my pace was 8 seconds faster than goal pace, yet my perceived effort was about a 5 to 6 on a scale of 10.

My breathing was controlled and the best way to describe how my legs and body felt on the run is “settled in”. I guess you call that running in the pocket. My heart rate was evenly split between zones 2 and 3, while my cadence averaged 180.

When I first started my run I was not looking forward to it. I guess it was just one of those mornings. I kept procrastinating on getting out the door until I was at the point that if I didn’t go then, I would not have time to go at all. So often, those end up being some of the best runs and my time and perceived effort today proved that to be true.


  • 6 mile run at marathon goal pace