Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 43

Double hill day! Mileage has bumped up to 4 miles on shorter days so that means repeating the ½ mile hill twice. Monday’s are also kettlebell strength days but I did not make it back to the house in time to get that part done. I’d hoped to have time in the evening after work but no such luck.

I knew that was a longshot anyway. That’s why I workout in the mornings. If I don’t get it done first thing in the morning then the day gets filled with other things and workouts drop down to the bottom of the to do list. I’lll try to make up the kettlebell workout with Wednesday’s 4 mile run. However, due to an early meeting I’m already having to move my run to the afternoon which puts me in the same difficult scheduling position.

I really hate having to miss workouts or runs. I realize that life happens but I’m a creature of habit and schedules, which is probably part of what draws me to running in the first place. I’ll do my best, which is all I can do.

In the words of Tony Horton, creator of P90X, “Do your best and forget the rest”!

Run recap

The temperature was 43 degrees and clear at 5:45 A.M. The sun wasn’t up and it was just starting to get light outside, so I wore my Noxgear light vest to be more visible in the low light. I had my Open Run Shokz headphones on and was listening to my Big Bang Theory audiobook. 

The hill was just as steep as it was last week but the audiobook kept my mind occupied because I’m constantly trying to figure out who the author is talking about. I don’t know all of the actors names that play the characters so my mind stays busy while I’m running, listening for cues in the words to see who the author is talking about. I listened to an entire segment about a person who’s name I couldn’t place just to realize that I think it was a writer that I never would have known anyway.

I managed to run the hill slightly faster on the second round. I was really pleased that I didn’t have to walk and I was able to maintain my pace. It was a slow pace but a run all the same. Even though I was working hard, I kept my gloves on during the entire run. I was thankful that I opted for the long sleeve base layer under my t-shirt and long sleeve pullover. It was just the right amount of layers for the temperature.

I’m looking forward to a nice, easy run tomorrow. Although, it will be the longest mid-week run I’ve done up till now at 7 miles. Off to bed early in order to make sure I have enought time to get it all done.


  • 4 mile run with 2x’s ½ mile hill repeats