Half Marathon Training

On your marks, get ready, GO!

My first week of half marathon training didn’t feel much different than my last week of base building. It actually felt a bit easier in some ways, yet more challenging in others. Allow me to elaborate. Since returning to running in mid-April, I’ve been incorporating running on three days per week. I’ve consciously avoided running on consecutive days which by default meant that I would only run three days in a given 7-day week. I…

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Half Marathon Training

Getting Back in the Saddle: Return to Running and Blogging

It’s been a VERY long time since I’ve sat down to write a blog post. If you’ve been following me on Instagram (@Running.on.Carbs) you know that I recently started a podcast and have expanded into run coaching for plant-based women. So, a lot of my story that would have been here, has been shared on the podcast instead. However, there is something to be said about the written word and storytelling. So, here I am…

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