Marathon Training

Marathon Race Day

It’s hard to know where to start. There were so many incredible moments from today’s race. Most importantly, I finished and I did not get injured. I walked right past the medical tent at the end without so much of a glance. However, then I coincidentally got a calf cramp about 10 feet later that forced me to stop and rest it before walking further. Well, I didn’t say I wasn’t in pain. As a…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 120-123

Quick recap of my final week of marathon training. Just three runs this week. On the plan are two runs at conversational pace and one short run at marathon goal pace. I start carb loading on Thursday, which is day 123 of my marathon training plan. What a week to have a busy and high stress work schedule. Some things can’t be avoided or planned for ahead of time. It just is a busy week…

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