Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 113-118

Arrived at week 2 of my marathon taper phase feeling rested. Given that this week was pretty much all treadmill running, I’ll just offer a quick weekly recap of my running distances. All of my runs are at conversational pace this week and my goal is to keep my heart rate in my zone 2. Thursday’s are still run at marathon pace but the mileage is cut back significantly this week. Day 113 My right…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 112

Normally I would do my long run on Saturday. However, I moved my long run to Sunday so that I could attend a Krav Maga women’s self-defense class on Saturday with my sister and adult niece. As a woman runner it’s really important to be aware of your surroundings and it certainly doesn’t hurt to have some kind of formal self-defense training. The idea of these courses is not to teach you how to handle…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Days 106-110

I’m so excited that I made it to my first taper week. Surprisingly, I’m not as tired or burnt out from running as I expected to be. While training for my first half marathon I got so bored of running the same types of runs over and over. I longed for an iFit treadmill workout with random inclines and intervals. However, those runs didn’t meet my distance requirements in my training plan at the time.…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 104

It’s been two weeks since my first 20 mile training run. I had my cut back week, so now it’s time to do it again! In order to have a direct comparison, I ran the same course that I did last time. So, that meant another Coaster run! Only, this time my hydration bladder wasn’t leaking and I knew what side of the platform to catch the train from. Therefore, my anxiety was more controlled…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 101-103

Triple digits plus one! Also, day one of my carb load test. My second 20 mile run is coming up in three days on next Saturday, so I decided to test out a formal carb load nutrition plan. I’ve always been of the mind that a carb load really isn’t necessary, especially for a vegan runner. I get so many carbs in my normal food. However, I also get fiber because the foods I eat…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 99-100

This is the last week of my strength meso cycle in my training plan. This part of my plan did not go exactly as I had hoped or originally planned. I did not have time in the morning to complete my runs and kettlebell strength workouts, so the kettlebells got dropped from the plan. I did pick up a couple of kettlebell swings on my runner’s strength days when I had the extra time though.…

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Marathon Training

Marathon Training: Day 92

Today was the first run of the new year. I ran in the afternoon instead of the early morning so I could watch the Tournament of Roses Parade. It’s a tradition of mine. I actually sit there on the couch with my breakfast and coffee and watch the entire two hours of the parade. I enjoy starting off the year in a relaxed state of mind and body. Starting the year off right I kicked…

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